The Team

Tim Bauer

Tim Bauer

Founder, Art Director
Tim is designer, artist, and musician who lives and works in Austin, TX. He founded Winter Is On My Head in 2009. Tim has contributed music, art, design and vision to the project, and he manages the team we have in place. See some of Tim’s work and read about his design philosophy at Tim Bauer Design.



Blake Flattley

Blake Flattley

Artist Relations Director

Blake lives in New York City and is the Director of Worship & Arts for Our Saviour | New York, a budding creative community. His music is on multiple volumes of Winter is On My Head with The Orange Effect and Graffiti Cathedral as well as a new solo contribution this year. Blake is our artist liaison, reaching out to bands and artists as a point of contact for their involvement as well as planning WIOMH release shows across the country. You can hear more of his music or find his thoughts on humanity, artistry and theology at



Ryan Medina

Ryan Medina

Web Director, Music Production
Ryan grew up in southern California and currently resides in Costa Mesa, CA. He’s a web guru and musician extraordinaire. His music has been featured on every volume of Winter Is On My Head by his band, That Lonely Hour, and solo endeavor as Ryan Musique. Ryan is our chief of website, technical director and music producer/editor.



Steve Zank

Steve Zank

Partner Development Director
Steve found his start near Los Angeles, CA, and now resides in Austin, TX. He is a music director, adjunct professor, guitarist, and hosts his own website for music and theology at He has been featured on every Winter Is On My Head album, and is our outreach and contact person for partner development.



Sarah Berson

Sarah Berson

Communications Director
Sarah comes from the Western half of the US, and now lives in Austin, TX, where she works as a writer and advocate of human rights issues. She is the project’s PR manager, blogger, Tweeter, Poster and team facilitator.